Thursday, December 27, 2007
Information About Breathing
Breathing properly can ease tension and promote calmness, which has an extremely important effect on the way our bodies function. When we are stressed or anxious, we breathe more rapidly, using only the upper part of the chest. This offers the quickest boost of oxygen to the system, but in the long run is not effective. When we are tired or depressed, we breathe more deeply, exhaling heavily and sighing.Naturopaths believe breathing clean air is essential to health because clean air oxygenates the blood and makes the tissues function more efficiently.
Air is also believed to have antiseptic properties. But breathing clean air on its own is not enough: how you breathe is also considered vitally important.The correct way to breathe is using the diaphragm, a muscle separating the chest from the abdomen. Contractions and relaxations of the diaphragm force the flow of air in and out of the lungs. Diaphragmatic breathing is more relaxing and more efficient since the lungs are able to fill and empty completely. In turn, the body is able to work more effectively since it has a good quality supply of oxygen with which to do so. When we breathe from the chest, as we do in times of tension, fear, or anxiety, waste products build up in the lungs, leading to increasingly less efficient breathing and a feeling of tiredness and lethargy.
Most practitioners will offer advice on breathing efficiently, and many therapies are focused around it, including Relaxation, Alexander Technique, Yoga, and Meditation.Practitioners encourage long deep breaths that expand the rib cage, and also the use of air baths and ionizers to improve the quality of air for patients with respiratory conditions.
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Read out for Natural herbs Check out home remedies and homeopathic remedies
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Antiaging skin care
However antiaging skin care is not achieved by any magic potion.
‘Antiaging skin care’ is about discipline. It is about being proactive. Antiaging skin care is retarding the ageing process. Here are a few tips for proactive antiaging skin care:
1. Maintain healthy eating habits: A well balanced diet is the key to maintaining a proper body metabolism. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (raw), they are the best source of fibre and have a very refreshing effect on your body. Avoid oily and fatty food; not only do they lack in essential nutrients but also cause obesity and other diseases which aid the aging process
2. Beat stress: This is probably the most important antiaging skin care measure. Stress disturbs the body metabolism and accelerates the aging process. Sleep, exercise and a relaxing bath, are all good ways of beating stress. Aroma-therapy is also known to bust stress.
3. Drink a lot of water: Antiaging skin care can’t be any simpler than this. Water helps in flushing out the toxins from the body, hence keeping it clean and making it less prone to disease. Around 8 glasses of water (per day) is recommended by all doctors.
4. Regular exercise is a wonderful antiaging skin care procedure. Besides toning your muscles, it also helps in cleaning the skin by flushing out the toxins in the form of sweat. Exercise should be followed by a warm shower in order to completely remove the toxins.
5. Avoid the use of strong, chemical based products on your skin. Natural skin care products are a good option. Use of organic skin care products (home made or commercial) can be a very effective antiaging skin care measure.
6. Do not overuse skin care products. Excessive and harsh application, both are harmful.
7. Do not ignore skin disorders; it can lead to permanent skin damage. Try over the counter medication and if that doesn’t help, immediately visit your dermatologist and seek his/her advice.
8. Vitamin C based skin care products are very popular means of antiaging skin care. However, these seem to oxidise very quickly (which makes them harmful for the skin). So store them properly. If the product turns Yellowish brown, it means that vitamin c has oxidised and the prodct is no longer suitable for use.
9. Protect your skin against UV radiation ; UV rays are known to speed up the aging process. So, a good sunscreen lotion should be a part of your antiaging skin care routine.
Source: Free Articles from
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
10 Steps to Full Body Detox
1. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This is one of the most basic recommendations. However, the amount is no longer eight glasses a day. The recommended amount is your body weight divided by 2 in oz. of water. For example, if you weigh 100 lbs/2=50 oz of water.
2. While water inside your body is a good way to detox, using water on the outside of your body also helps. Try a hot shower for five minutes, alternating a few times with cold water for 30 seconds. Take a rest for 30 minutes afterwards. This will extend the results of your home body detox.
3. Look for ways to bolster a clean liver with herbal supplements and drinking green tea. Your natural food store can make recommendations. Your liver plays an important role in keeping your body working properly.
4. Eat foods which are naturally detoxifying, such as leafy greens and seaweed. Bulk up on fiber. Try to stick to organic fruits and vegetables. Stay away from caffeine, sugar and nicotine.
5. An OJ a day does keep the doctor away. Actually, juices are high in sugar, but make sure to take plenty of Vitamin C. This helps liver function also.
6. Sweat it out....literally. Perspiration is one way your body naturally removes waste. Try sweating in a hot tub or sauna to help eliminate toxins.
7. Take a deep breath. The deeper you breathe, the more oxygen circulates in your blood and helps keep it clean. This is one of the easiest ways to promote health. When you breathe deeply, your stomach should come out as you breathe in and deflate like a balloon when you breathe out.
8. Exercise, exercise, exercise. This is still one of the best ways to remove toxins from the system and help increase energy levels. Yoga is highly recommended, as well as other eastern forms of exercise which specifically have movements to promote detoxification such as qigong.
9. Learn to deal with stress. High levels of stress cause hormone changes which actually can hinder the detoxification process. Dealing with stress effectively aids in natural body detox. Try meditation or therapy. A couple of minutes daily can make all the difference in the world.
10. Exfoliate your skin by dry-brushing. Don't use any salt or sugar scrubs, as these may have chemicals in them that will harm your body. You can also purchase special baths to help eliminate waste through your pores.
All these recommendations are important to keep your body cleansed. While you may not be able to do them all at once, slowly incorporating them into your daily routine helps bolster your chances for success.
Source: Free Articles from
John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the owner of the website called which provides complete and up-to-date information.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Exercise Tips For High Blood Pressure
It’s a no brainer that regular exercise can help lower high blood pressure. To help you throw your sedentary (inactive) lifestyle out the window and decrease your BP values, incorporate some of these exercises into your daily routine and watch your BP amazingly decrease.
If you do have blood pressure keep in mind that it’s one of the top risk factors for heart disease. Luckily, it's a risk factor that you can do something about. Lets get started.
What’s the best BP lowering exercise?
A combination of all three forms of exercise listed below:
1. Stretching or the slow lengthening of the muscles. Stretching your upper and lower body before and after exercising helps prepare the muscles for activity and helps prevent injury. Consistent stretching will also increase your range of motion and flexibility in your muscles and joints.
2. Aerobic exercise is steady physical activity (usually 30 minutes or more) using large muscle groups. This type of exercise will strengthen your heart, lungs and also improve your body's ability to utilize oxygen.
Continuing to engage in aerobic exercise for the long term will allow you to see a decrease in your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing.
3. Resistance exercises are done by lifting weights and allowing your muscles to contract (shorten) and expand (lengthen)
FYI – Forms of Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercises include: walking, jogging, jumping rope, bicycling (stationary or outdoor), cross-country skiing, skating, rowing, high or low-impact aerobics, swimming and water aerobics.
How long should I exercise in order to see BP results?
Usually, to achieve maximum benefits, you should gradually work your way up to an aerobic session lasting anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes, at least three to four times a week.
What Your Program Should Include
Your exercise sessions should include a warm-up phase, conditioning phase and a cool-down phase.
This allows your body to slowly adapt itself from rest to exercise. Doing a warm-up will also reduce the stress on your heart and muscles, slowly increase your breathing, circulation (heart rate) and body temperature. It also helps improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.
A good warm-up includes light stretching, range of motion activities (arm circles) and the beginning of the activity at a light intensity level.
- Conditioning.
Following the warm-up, the conditioning phase is where you’ll be putting a lot of your energy. At this point the benefits of exercise are gained and calories will be burnt. Be sure to monitor the intensity of the activity (check your heart rate) and try not to go too hard too fast.
- Cool-down.
This is the last phase of your exercise session. The cool down will allow your body to gradually recover from the conditioning phase. Your heart rate and blood pressure should return back to normal within a few minutes.
Now a lot of people have this theory that cool-down means to sit down. Boy, is this ever wrong! Please don’t sit, stand still or lie down right after exercise. This may cause you to feel dizzy or lightheaded. The best cool-down is to slowly decrease the intensity of your activity.
Source: Free Articles from
Marci Lall is a Womens Weight Loss & Body Sculpting Specialist. visit his website to get his FREE report "16 tips on how to get maximum weight loss and fitness results in minimum time" -->
Monday, December 17, 2007
Overcoming Depression with Stress Management Hypnosis
Depression is often the result of an identity crisis and can be a manageable emotion. Learning how to embrace and move through the emotion can once again bring enthusiasm for living.
Depression can be hell. Basically three scenarios contribute to depression. The first is an identity crisis.
Example: John, my client, (referred to me by his doctor), sheepishly looked at me and said, "I just can't get the energy to get up from bed in the morning. As I look at my 90 yr. old mother I know that in just another twenty years or so my body will look like hers. And what's worse whenever I visit her she says, 'I just want to die and get it over with.'"
He went on to say, "We all observed President Regan, a powerful man, reduced to the limitations of Alzheimer's disease. At one time in my life I thought I'd become a successful business man and instead I am now retired owing a lot of money with a only a few nest eggs that will never make me rich. One of the commentators in the movie The Secret said the purpose of life is what we make it. It seems to me that my purpose has come and gone. Some people owe me money and I doubt that I'll ever receive it. Yet, I have to ask myself why it matters anyway? There are a lot of people that would give their 'eye teeth" to have what I have. They would ask, 'Why's he depressed, he is CEO of his own company that runs itself, has a beautiful young fun-to-be-with wife, and a gorgeous home that many would die for...?'"
It's easy to see that John was in the midst of an identity crisis brought on by his semi retirement. He had relinquished control of his business to someone else and unlike most clients who are in denial, he acknowledged he was depressed and felt guilty for being depressed. He noticed that no mater how much he fought it, it persisted.
The second scenario that leads to depression is that with many clients there is a love hate dichotomy. There's a person or situation which for some reason (for a variety of reasons) they feel that they should like but in reality they hate the situation or person and can't allow themselves to acknowledge or feel the hatred.
Example: After Lyn's mother passed away, her father came to live with her and her family. Strangely though, as a child she hated her dad and in many ways blamed him for his mother's passing. I found it quite ironic that she'd take him in and asked her how she feels about her father today. Her answer was, "You're supposed to love your father, aren't you?"
Her inability to resolve this conflict of feeling led to her depression.
Back to John. I had him list all the reasons why he shouldn't feel depressed. Some of them were:"I feel like I'm an ingrate.""It's no fun.""I don't even like being around myself."
The third scenario that contributes to depression is a string of stressful events (situational depression) such as change in supervisors (from a good one to a bad one), financial loss, uncertainty in business, worry... It's easy for some of these to be connected with identity crisis, but generally when the stressors are resolved or disappear, the depression lifts.
On a physical level, among several dietary recommendations, I had John add Vitamin B complex, Vitamin D, and Magnesium Citrate to facilitate the production of tryptophan. Tryptophan is instrumental in the creation of serotonin.
Next we worked with his sudden loss of self esteem. And, rather than continue the path of fighting depression I taught John how to embrace the emotion of depression, acknowledge his resistance to it and practice option training.
Option training is for him to remind himself on a regular basis that he has options such as learning from the experience, benefiting somehow from it, moving beyond it, generating new interests...
After the third session of option training he said, "I received a photo of a toddler my cousin just adopted--it was angelic. I placed it on the dining table where every time I looked at it I smiled. Then other things began happening. I began picking up tid bits of wisdom from the things I read. Sometimes I actually forgot what it felt like to be depressed and the times I do feel depressed, I stopped resisting it and simply went with it. As I stopped fighting it I generated some enthusiasm to do something."
But what really contributed to his depression was that he knew the man who he chose to operate his company was not the right man for the job. The company was not going in the right direction and eventually by terminating that employee and taking back the reins of his company he lifted a tremendous weight from his being.
Look at the word "Depress ed" It's like a weight depressing one--the weight being the pressures of life. He wanted the employee to work out but it didn't. He lost control of his company and didn't like it's direction and by taking back the reins the depression was "lifted." Actually the weight that held him down was lifted.
In summary, conquering depression is to:
1. Acknowledge being depressed
.2. Learn to embrace the emotion.
3. Acknowledge the resistance to feeling depressed.
4. Aim the creative intelligence for options.
Source: Free Articles from
Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E., NGH certified is a prominent figure in the field of stress management and personal change and He aims to shed light on the issues surrounding depression. To find out more please visit
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fast Weight Loss Isn't Best
It's an unlikely thing to find the overweight person who is genuinely content with being heavy. Though overweight is a common condition, particularly in the US, it's typically highly stigmatized and carries considerable health risks. The motivation for most overweight people then is to lose weight, and the motivation is often quite strong. Wanting to lose weight is certainly not a bad thing, and can be a good thing in many cases, but an extreme motivation to lose weight can lead to genuine difficulties.
People often want to make tasks easier and faster to perform. This sort of mindset has been around since forever, and it applies to weight loss as much as anything else. Overweight people often don't want to be overweight, and they often want to stop being overweight immediately. This strong motivation to lose weight can lead to an attempt to push through weight loss rapidly, or to try products that promise to speed up the weight loss process.
Fast weight loss can be seen when stepping on the scale, but fast weight loss is almost always the result of water loss. Water can be removed quickly from the body, which is why dehydration can set in so rapidly without regular water intake. The need for water is absolute, and without a steady supply of water the body will cease to function. Losing a great deal of water weight then can lead to potentially serious forms of health problems.
Losing weight in the form of fat is the ideal in weight loss, but it's a process. Fat is essentially surplus, and surplus takes time to build up. Surplus equally takes time to remove. To put it another way, our fat storage took time to create and it will take time to disappear. There have been and continue to be various treatments that claim to speed up the fat elimination process. What these treatments typically claim to do is affect metabolism, but they often also affect the heart, usually speeding up its beat rate. Putting something into the body that causes the heart to function abnormally is taking a risk, and that's probably putting in mildly.
When all is said and done, commitment in combination with patience may be the best weight loss strategy there is. Accepting that weight loss is going to take time and effort is a healthy and realistic perspective to have at the onset of any weight loss regimen.
Source: Free Articles from
Zinn Jeremiah writes about a number of different subjects. To find help with weight loss, visit weight loss system or fitness program.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Is Diet Coke beneficial for weight loss?
Diet Coke: Can You Lose Weight Or Is It Just An Empty Drink? Is diet coke really good for weight loss or is it just waste. It’s the ongoing debate, if you like carbonated beverages; it might be a choice for you. But, it’s chemicals and carbonated can’t be too good for you. They’ll be talking about this for a long time. Fake sweeteners are beneficial. Blood sugar and tooth decay is not an issue. Also, it you do drink regular Coke, which is 140 (empty) calories and 39 carbohydrates and switch to Diet Coke, you can save 420 calories a day and 117 carbo’s. If you drink it 7 days a week, 2940 calories are saved and that is just beverages. It’s just 600 calories short of the 3500 calorie = 1 pound measuring stick.
The fact is a low-fat or no-fat diet just makes you hungry for more sweets to counterbalance the horrible taste bland foods or drinks like Diet Coke have. Many healthy food products available today, it really is hard to imagine how come we are faced with an ever increasing obesity problem. This situation has led many to put the blame on artificial sweeteners, when in fact the problem lies elsewhere. Some people are addicted to caffeine. I got off the addiction before it got too late. Caffeine can be a great stimulant for the human body. Focus and activity and energy come every time we drink something that contains caffeine. This is why caffeine is used in most of today's weight loss pills. It can also have a low to mild appetite suppressant effect. This is why people can’t leave these carbonated beverages completely. If you do need to drink more than three cans of coke a day, do yourself a favor and have Diet Coke or Diet Rite is even tastier and has less sodium. It will give you all the benefits of caffeine without the headaches of counting the sugar calories. Do not skip meals though and drink Diet Coke instead. Wouldn’t you like to have some healthy portion instead of “drinking your meal”?
Source: Free Articles from
I am Clinton, I run, a site on weight loss and a review on Proactol, a weight loss pill and diet.
All about Facial skin care
‘Facial skin care’ is more a matter of discipline than anything else. A facial skin care routine is what you need (and you need to follow the facial skin care routine with complete seriousness). So let’s check what comprises an effective facial skin care routine. Well, very simply, a facial skin care routine can follow the following 4 steps:* Cleansing* Toning* Exfoliating * Moisturising
Cleansing is the first thing in facial skin care routine. Cleansing helps in removing dust, pollutants, grease and extra oil from your skin, thereby preventing damage to your skin. Just spot your face and neck with a good cleansing lotion or cream and gently massage it into your skin using upward strokes. Use a soft face tissue or cotton wool to wipe your face in a gentle patting fashion (do not rub). Cleansing should be done at least twice a day i.e. morning (as part of complete facial skin care routine) and evening (on a standalone basis). Water soluble cleansers are the best for inclusion in your facial skin care routine.
Toning is the next in a facial skin care routine. However, this is the optional part of the facial skin care routine. Mostly, proper cleansing can compensate for toning. Toning helps remove all traces of dirt, grease and excess cleanser. Instead of making it part of your daily facial skin care routine, you can using toning occasionally i.e. when you have been exposed to particularly harsh environment/pollution.
Exfoliation is again, kind of, optional step in everyday routine for facial skin care. However, exfoliation is necessary at least once a week (or twice, depending on the skin type and the environmental conditions). Exfoliation finds its place in facial skin care routine because of the natural tendency of skin to replenish the skin cells every 3 or 4 weeks. As a facial skin care technique, exfoliation helps in removing the dead skin cells that block the pores, thus assisting the skin in the natural process. However, excessive or harsh exfoliation can cause damage to your skin; so you need to balance it out.
The next thing in facial skin care is moisturising. In fact, moisturising is the most important part of facial skin care routine. Moisturisers prevent your skin from getting dry. Dry skin is really undesirable since it cause the upper layer skin to break, leading to dead skin cells. Again, use light upward strokes to make the moisturiser more effective. Moisturisers work the best when applied on warm and damp skin. So do not try to remove all the moisture in the previous steps of facial skin care routine.
Besides the normal facial skin care routine, you should also exercise the following for facial skin care:
* Use proper make-up remover instead of just washing it away
* Pay heed to your skin type and the environment, when choosing facial skin care products.
* Before you start using a new facial skin care product, test it by applying it on a short patch of skin e.g. ear lobes.
* Never rub your skin too hard.
* Use sunscreen lotions for protection against sun.
Source: Free Articles from
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Laugh Your Way to Pain Relief
A fresh take on an old idea
The notion that laughter is good for the body has been around for thousands of years—certainly as far back as the Old Testament. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Seventeenth century English physician Dr. Thomas Sydenham remarked, "The arrival of a good clown exercises more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than of twenty asses laden with drugs." Or as Groucho Marx put it, "A clown is like aspirin, only he works twice as fast."
How do you get a sweet 80-year-old lady to say the F word? Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!
The value of laughter in helping to relieve pain began to attract significant attention in the 1980s when Dr. Norman Cousins in his book Anatomy of an Illness described how watching Marx Brother movies and reading humorous books and articles helped him recover from a life-threatening tissue disease.
Cousins made it a point to enjoy a hearty belly laugh several times a day. He claimed that a few minutes of laughter gave him an hour or more of pain-free sleep. As a result, many pain centers around the country began to use humor therapy to reduce the level of pain medication needed by patients.
There was even a movie made about real-life doctor Patch Adams, a physician who was totally committed to making his patients laugh as an essential part of his treatment.
How does laughter reduce pain?
Clinical staff consistently note that the primary benefit of humor therapy is that it serves as a diversionary tactic—that is, it takes a patient's mind off the pain.
A study published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing reported that patients who were told one-liners after surgery and before painful medication was administered perceived less pain when compared to patients who didn't get a dose of humor as part of their therapy.
Why don't bunnies make noise when they have sex? Because they have cotton balls.
Another study, this one published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, found that young girls with burns who were shown cartoons during very painful hydrotherapy said they felt less pain than similar patients who were not exposed to cartoons during the same procedure.
A second theory of how laughter helps relieve pain is that it triggers the release of endorphins, the chemicals in the brain that can make us feel good.
Natural healing
Around the same time that the Cousins book appeared, the departing editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Franz Ingelfinger, noted that 85 percent of all human illnesses are curable by the body's own healing system. Building a positive focus in your life—which includes a regular dose of laughter—can play a key role in supporting the body's ability to do just that.
Laughing, in fact, has been shown to increase the body's natural killer cells and T-cells, which are types of cells that attack foreign material in our bodies. Laughter also keeps away negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, which tend to weaken the immune system.
Why are they called "hemorrhoids". They should be called "asteroids"?
Research on stress-related hormones and humor has shown that laughter reduces at least four of the hormones associated with the stress response, including epinephrine, cortisol, dopac, and growth hormone.
Some studies have indicated that laughter improves lung capacity and with improved lung capacity come improved oxygen levels in the blood, thereby alleviating ischemic pain or pain do to lack of oxygen-rich blood.
Internal jogging
According to Dr. William Fry from Stanford University, one minute of laughter is equal to 10 minutes on the rowing machine. Laughter is a kind of "internal jogging" that exercises our heart and reduces blood pressure in the same way as does standard aerobic exercise. This kind of laughter exercise is well suited to sedentary people and those who are confined to a bed or wheelchair.
What did One saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? If we drop any lower people are gonna think we are nuts!
If you keep the Huh Huh Huh - going for long periods of time and increase the number of times you do it while at the same time shrugging your upper body you will keep the oxygen flowing to the cells that need it and you will be giving what you body need to begin to reduce your pain and speed healing.
And here's a final fascinating fact: Researchers at St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center in Minnesota say that tears of laughter remove toxic substances that normally build up during periods of emotional stress…So, whether you prefer Dirty jokes, Redneck jokes or Funny Photos the Internet has provide us with an unlimited number of resources not to mention the ton of emails that you get from your friends that they think are funny and they just have to send to you for some reason thinking that you have the time to read it and that you have nothing else to do. Maybe just read on a week and see how you feel.
If you do read a joke or see a funny photo and it does put a smile on your face learn to keep that smile going longer and feel how good you feel when you keep your head up and a smile on your face.
Life will always be full of challenges but we should always be driven to seek those thing that give us Joy and Piece, so if a joke can give you 30 seconds of joy, read a joke and keep smiling.
If you enjoyed this article, and would like more information in alternative back pain treatments sign up for our Back Pain Advisory and you will join the nearly 1 million people that have received this life changing information. Please visit our new web site at for more free informative articles, videos and open forums.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Benefits of External Hard Drives
- Storage Capacity
One reason for using an external hard drive is to increase your storage capacity. When I bought my iBook five years ago, I thought 10 GB would last me forever. I now use a Mac Mini with two external hard drives - a 120 GB drive and a 300 GB drive. What seems like more than adequate storage space now may seem miniscule in just a few months, so think to the future when you buy an external hard drive.
- Backup Drive
- Improved Performance
Using an external drive as your boot (or main) drive can speed up the performance of Macs with slower internal drives. I use an external 7200 rpm hard drive as the main drive for my Mac Mini and it's noticeably faster than the Mini's slower internal 4200 rpm drive. If you're planning to use an external hard drive as your boot drive, look for a 7200 rpm drive with a large cache buffer.
- Portability
Many of the hard drives made today are small and lightweight and easily moved from one location to another. This can be useful if you want to take your data (for example, your iTunes library) with you when you go on a long trip, perhaps to visit friends or relatives. Just plug your hard drive into another Mac, boot up the computer using your hard drive as the boot drive and you'll feel like you're back home. If you want portability, look for one of the smaller but fast external hard drives made today.
- Longer Life
If you use an external drive your life won't fall apart when your hard drive dies. Remember when the drive in your computer dies, you can't use the computer, but if your external drive dies, you'll still be able to use your computer. Furthermore, getting your external drive repaired might take less time and cost less than repairing the internal drive on your computer. Also, using an external drive as your main drive can save wear and tear on your internal drive, and, thus, help it last longer.
As you can see, there are good reasons to use an external hard drive. Just decide on how much storage space you need, how much portability you want from an external drive and how much you want to spend, and you'll be able to find the drive that's best for you.
Claire J Rottenberg is an award-winning researcher and writer with over 20 years of experience using Macintosh computers. She is the author and publisher of ebooks for users of Mac OS X 10.4 software and a free monthly ezine on Mac OS X 10.4. Her website offers pages of free tips and lessons for using Mac OS X 10.4 software.
Source: Free Articles from
Why Wipe Hard Drive Space - better ways to do it
As computers become increasingly popular for use in almost every aspect of human endeavor, the question of data security also becomes important. That is, with the rise of computers also comes the rise of digital storage of information, since it is in this digital form that they can be accessed by computers. Digital storage comes in the form of compact discs, flash memory devices, and hard disk drives (which are currently the standard and usually are built into most computer setups).
Now, physically securing the digital storage devices in question is of course an option. However this may not always be possible. For instance, these devices may be in regular use by many different people, and restricting access would just become counterproductive.
Password protection is another option, when talking of digital data security. However, the security afforded by passwords depends upon the strength of the system in use, and also on the passwords used themselves. Passwords that are easier to somehow guess would result in weaker security than passwords which are harder to guess.
There are cases when neither of these two security options is feasible, however. For instance, it may be desired that all of the data on the hard drive is permanently removed. Normal deletion (using the current operating system on the computer, for example) does not remove all of the traces of deleted data. In this case, security can be increased by performing a hard drive wipe, instead.
A hard drive wipe is a process performed on a hard drive to help ensure that all of the data and information on the drive are removed beyond possibility of recovery. This becomes important when a computer changes ownership, for example, or when a hard drive or computer is to be disposed of. In both of these situations, potential access to deleted files may result in the unintentional exposure of confidential information.
How does a deleted file still have traces on the hard drive? Well, when a deletion is performed on the file, it is marked ‘deleted’ and the space it occupied is made available for new use. However, the data on the actual hard drive corresponding to the deleted file is in fact not removed or overwritten. So the data on the hard drive is still there, even if it is hidden from plain view. There exist software utilities that can facilitate the process of recovering the content in these supposedly deleted files.
A hard drive wipe helps to prevent this by actually overwriting all data on the hard drive with random sets of data. This makes it next to impossible to decipher the data on the hard drive to recover any of the deleted data.
Many hard drive wipe programs perform this overwriting process multiple times, which increases the security provided. There are also various algorithms used to generate the random data with which the existing data is overwritten. The better algorithms produce random data that is closer to being truly random, making it even harder to try to recover the original data.
If you are interested in wipe hard drive, check this web-site to learn more about wiping hard drive.
Source: Free Articles from