Monday, December 22, 2008

Medicines Used For Skin Disorders

Acne (Pimples)

Acne or pimples is a very distressing skin disorder which affects adolescents and young people. As a rule, it is often genetically predisposed. It regresses with time but in some people it people it may become very severe, disfiguring the face and leaving a permanent scares. It is caused by an increased sensitivity to the male sex hormones - androgenic steroids. The cells of the hair follicle, which are extremely cohesive, grow faster.

The sebum (secretion from the glands of the skin) production increases;which plugs the tubes. This causes growth of acne bacilli which form an enzyme (lipase) causing an increased production of free fatty acids which are irritant to the skin. These bacteria also release some factors (chemotactic factors) that cause inflammation. The face, neck, chest, shoulders, and back are most commonly involved. Mild acne is characterized by an oily or greasy skin with closed or open, small sized papules (comedones); in moderate acne, papules or pustules are accompanied by inflammation. In severe form, nodules with inflammatory cysts are formed which leave a scares. Pus-discharging abscesses are rare.

Non-Drug Therapy:

Avoid drugs like corticosteroids, androgens, iodides, bromides, and androgenic progestins found in some oral contraceptives. If oral contraceptives are to be taken, mini pills should be avoided. Select the one which has a higher ratio of estrogen to progestins. This minimizes the androgenic effect of progestins. Avoid humid environments, occlusive cosmetic oils, and greases.


does not seem to play any role in acne. Minimize the oiliness by washing the area 2 to 3 times daily. Scrubbing with abrasive substances is not advisable as it may damage the delicate opening of the hair follicles through which the sebum flows. Mild soaps are enough. The comedones (blackheads) should never be manipulated or scratched, even if there is irritation. This leaves scars causing disfiguration. At least 4-6 weeks time is needed for improvement to occur. Lesions over shoulders, chest and back take longer time than this.

Various measures like reducing the sebum output, action on the follicles, action on propinonobacterium acnes, control of infection, have been tried. Most of the preparations contain sulphur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide alone or in combination, but they do not have any response on acne. The treatment requires regular use of effective medicines under the instructions of a physician.

Mild Acne

Liquid cleansers, lotions, and creams containing abrasive particles for removing surface debris, foe e.g., aluminium oxide, sodium tetraborate, polyethylene; drying agents such as alcohol or acetone; or peeling agents like sulphur, resorcinol, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid are used for mild acne. Hot compresses may be as effective as some of the agents mentioned above.

Comedonol Acne

Small amount (pea size) of Tretinoin (Retino-A 0.05%) can be applied two times in a week initially at night (to avoid irritation). Then gradually it can be applied every night and left for about 20 minutes before the face is washed. Tretinoin is a vitamin-A derivative and prevents plugging of follicles. Usually it is used for 3-4 months.

Adverse Effects and Precautions:

It is an irritant drug and should be applied strictly as per instructions. The skin becomes red within 48 hours and begins to peel. It should be applied once at night and the sun should be avoided to reduce irritation. It should not be applied on any part of the skin having eczema. Its application on areas near the corners of the mouth, nose any part of should be minimised. Other peeling drugs like sulphur, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide may enhance irritation and should be avoided. Do not wash the face more then 2 to 3 times a day. Allergy to this drug is rare.

Benzoyl Peroxide (Pernox gel 2.5% persol forte 10%) is a water based formulation (alcohol free) so irritation is less. It causes peeling of unwanted skin cells.

Adverse Effects and Precautions:

Due to its peeling effect on the skin, it causes local irritation. If the irritation is severe, the dose and frequency of use may be reduced. It is applied for 15 minutes on the first evening. The duration of application is increased by 15 minutes every day until it is tolerated for 2 hours. It may, thereafter, be left on overnight. A possible allergic reaction may occur with this drug. The chances of allergy increase if it is applied under occlusive dressings or patches.

Comedo Extraction

Open comedones (with black heads) and close ones may be extracted with Comedo extractor by an experienced skin specialist. However, recurrence often takes place.

Acne with Papules and Pustules

Antibiotics are the main form of treatment. These can be given orally or applied locally as lotions.

Mild Acne

In mild acne local antibiotics Erythromycin (Acnesol, Acnederm, Erytop-Lotion 2%, 3% Gel 4%); Clindamycin (Clindy 1%), Metronidazole (Metroderm), and Lincomycin (Lynx Gel 2%) are useful.

These can be applied two times a day. Benzoyl peroxide may be used along with any preparations, but only in the mornings. If required, Tretinoin 0.025% may be applied at night.

Moderate Acne

Tetracycline caps (Terramycin) 500 mg twice a day, Erythromycin (Erythrocin) 500mg twice day, Doxycycline cap (Microdox) 100 mg once or twice a day or minocycline (Cynomycin) 50-100mg twice a day are equally effective and are used for about a week. If required topical antibiotics may be used. Sometimes spironolactone (Aldactone) 50-100mg/day acts as useful supplementary drug. It acts by opposing androgen effects. Local injection of dilute solutions of Triamcinolone (2.5mg/ml) are used by some skin specialists into the papules and small cysts. Adapalene (Adapen 0.1 %) is a milder form of vitamin-A derivative used in mild to moderate acne.

Severe Acne

Isotretinoin (Isotroin 10mg) is a vitamin-A type of drug useful in severe cystic (cavities) acne. It is a potent agent and may cause malformations in new born when taken by pregnant women. Hence an informed consent is to be given by woman of childbearing age. It is given in a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg in a day for 20 weeks.

Adverse Effects and Precautions:

Increased blood sugar, fats, depression, headache, dry lips, nose-bleed and bone pains are noted. It should be taken only under regular medical supervision.

Other drugs

Azelaic acid 10% cream (Aziderm), Glycolzc acid 10% (Glyaha Lotion) are also helpful.

Drugs Aggravating Pimples .

If you are suffering from pimples, watch out for drugs like corticosteroids, the male sex hormone - androgen, progestogens, isoniazid, iodides, bromides, phenobarbitoneBusiness Management Articles, and phenytoin in any of the preparations you are taking. These aggravate pimples.

Source: Free Articles from


AdvCare is one of the leading Canada Drugs Store website. First established in January 2000, its mission is to become the number one site for Prescription Medication and OTC Drugs Canada searches.

Friday, December 19, 2008

How to Save Money on Makeup and Beauty Products

Isn't it true that there's always a new makeup or beauty product that you simply must have? Many of us have made the mistake of wasting money on a product that we wound up not liking. Here are a few tips on how to save money on makeup and beauty products.

Copyright (c) 2008 Lynne Hagan

Isn't it true that there's always a new makeup or beauty product that is a must-have? It's tempting to buy the latest new scent, skin care solution or makeup product that sounds too good to be true. If you're a makeup and beauty junkie it's difficult to resist the temptation of buying an amazing new product.

We all want to be the ultimate "package", so why not try the latest and greatest new product that will make you look fabulous?

Because this addiction can be very expensive, that's why!! But there are always new opportunities for you to get great deals on products if you know where and when to buy.

These tips will show you how to save money on makeup and beauty products:

1. Buy your products online. It can save you a lot of money. Internet retailers and distributors can afford to give deeper discounts and promotional offers because they have lower overhead than retail stores.

2. Use product coupons and discount coupons to get additional savings on a particular product. There are many websites that will lead you to particular retailers and distributors that consistently offer product coupons and discount coupons.

3. Take advantage of promotions. Many of the major cosmetic companies such as Clinique and Lancome have promotions where they give away a cosmetic set with a minimum purchase. Many times these promotions can save you money if you use the products they're offering. But don't waste money by making a purchase just to get the promotional items. If you don't like the products, you haven't wasted your money.

4. Register online or sign up for a newsletter on websites that promote makeup and beauty products. Some of these websites will notify you by e mail when there is a particular promotional deal or special savings opportunity.

5. Buy some of your products and supplies in bulk. Some of the products that you use regularly, such as shampoos, conditionersPsychology Articles, and soaps can be bought in bulk to save you money.

6. Seek the distributors and retailers that give away free samples of new makeup and beauty products that you want to try. Many of us have wasted money on a new product or solution that we used and did not like. The free samples allow you to try new products to see if you like them without spending any money.

7. Take advantage of "money back guarantees" when offered on a new product. But if you don't like it make sure you send it back for a refund! Statistics show that approximately 80% of consumers do not take advantage of such guarantees.

8. Do price comparisons online. There are websites that will help you find the best deal on name brand cosmetics that you may use. Be sure to take shipping charges into consideration which can sometimes make what appears to be an excellent deal a deal breaker.

Start saving money today by taking advantage of opportunities that will save you money on makeup and beauty products.

Source: Free Articles from


Lynne Hagan provides honest and unbiased information on everything related to anti aging. Are you looking for a way to look and feel younger? See why Lynne's blog and website is the popular source for the best and most reliable anti aging tips. Go to =>

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Secret To Coping With Acne

Although acne is a physical skin condition its effects can be far more than simply skin deep and an understanding of this is essential to following an effective treatment plan.

It is only in extremely rare cases that acne presents a serious health risk but its effects can nevertheless still be severe. The unsightly blemishes which acne produces and the appearance of having unhealthy skin will almost always result in at least mild depression or worse. It is important therefore that you take steps to treat the condition and to reduce its effects to a minimum.Most people cannot afford the services of a professional dermatologist on a regular basis, but just a single visit can provide you with a great deal of useful information and advice about your acne, as well as a prescription for acne medication. Of course there is a huge amount of free information available today, not least on the Internet, but it is always helpful to have a professional diagnosis of your particular form of acne and to have someone with experience in treating the condition to point you in the right direction.

The medication you use is itself important, not only to treat the condition but also because of the psychological effect if can have. As the medication reduces the number of your lesions and increases the time between outbreaks so your skin will gradually clear. This can however be a lengthy process and so, even when your acne is still present, the knowledge that you are doing everything you can to combat the problems is in itself very helpful.Simply accepting acne as an inevitably part of growing up and doing nothing actively to combat it is never a good solution. You will undoubtedly feel bad about your skin condition every time you look in the mirror and realize just how you look to other people and believing that there is nothing you can do about it will simply make matters worse as time goes by. Indeed, it becomes something of a self-fulfilling prophecy as you watch the condition getting worse before it gets better.But taking action will provide you with a very positive attitude of mind.

Acne will not disappear overnight even with the best treatment in the world and for many people treating acne can take a very long time. Nevertheless, even a slight improvement in the condition as a result of treatment gives you confidence in the fact that it can be treated and spurs you on to stick with a sound treatment regime.This however has another, and in some ways greater, benefit in building your inner resources which create a frame of mind and outlook which focus your attention on achieving other goals, rather than simply turning in on yourself and dwelling on this one unfortunate, though often short-lived, problem.The vast majority of people between the ages of 12 and 24 will suffer from acne but, with the proper treatment, it is often only mild and can be cleared up in a matter of a few short weeks. And remember that, since you are far from being alone in suffering from acne, you can put up with it as an inevitable part of growing up as long as you only have to do so for a relatively short period of time.

Because of its very nature acne is as much, if not more ofBusiness Management Articles, a psychological rather than a physical problem and understanding this and taking positive action to deal with the condition right from the outset is extremely important.

Source: Free Articles from

ABOUT THE AUTHOR provides information on acne cream treatment and looks at a wide variety of topics including body acne medicine

Monday, April 14, 2008

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry- Whitening and Braces

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses several different procedures which we will investigate. You may even have some of these procedures in your mouth right now. . .in fact the odds are that you have had some type of cosmetic dental procedure in your lifetime.

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry- Whitening and Braces

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses several different procedures which we will investigate. You may even have some of these procedures in your mouth right now. . .in fact the odds are that you have had some type of cosmetic dental procedure in your lifetime. It's important to meet with your dentist for an initial examination to determine if you are a candidate for cosmetic dental work. Your teeth must be in good condition before any cosmetic work is undertaken. If any type of dental disease is present, your dentist will explain what needs to be accomplished before proceeding with cosmetic work.

Once that is determined the dentist will explain the various cosmetic options available that are suitable for your needs, whether it be braces, bridges, bonding, veneers, bleaching and so on.

Whitening is one of the primary reasons that people consider cosmetic procedures. But, it's important to realize that often whiteners alone may not help. In fact, studies by the American Dental Association have shown that teeth with a yellowish tone will whiten well with a bleaching process whereas teeth that are brownish may not bleach well and grayish teeth may not bleach well at all. If you have had other cosmetic processes done and then decide to try whitening, you could end up with a very undesirable effect of not having all your teeth uniform in color. It's important to follow the advice of your dentist and not be swayed by advertising or how your best friends' work turned out!


While you may have worn braces as a child, braces are now a treatment option for adults as well although realignment may take longer for an adult. In some cases an adult will require more than just an orthodontic procedure.

Braces are the recommended treatment to correct an orthodontic problem called malocclusion or "bad bite." A few of the causes of the bad bite are extra, missing or crowded teeth. This condition is usually inherited although some may be caused by accident or other means. Having a tooth knocked out and chronic thumb or finger sucking may contribute to a bad bite.

Before treatment can begin, a thorough history is necessary for the dentist to render a proper prognosis. The dentist may take numerous xrays, plaster molds and photos of your face and teeth before determining whether orthodontics is an appropriate method to apply to your individual situation.

If the dentist determines that your treatment requires mechanical appliances, the information gathered in his preliminary examination will help to create your custom appliance(s). There are many different types of appliances and the best recourse is the one created specifically for you.

Once created and put in place, the appliances will require periodic adjustments. The dentist needs to monitor the progress frequently in order to assure that the teeth are shifting in position accurately.

Finally, once the appliances have done their work, they will be replaced by a "retainer." The retainer will stay in place so that the newly aligned teeth will remain in their proper location.

One of the first questions from patients is usually, "how long will I have to wear this?" This not a "one size fits all" situation as the time varies from patient to patient. It will take as long as it takes and greatly depends on patient cooperation. Average time for orthodontic treatment is around 24 months with adult treatments requiring just a bit longer. Other factors apply, of course, such as how severe the bad biteBusiness Management Articles, overall gum and tooth health not to mention how well the patient cooperates with the procedure. Most people who have worn braces report years later that it was well worth it!

Source: Free Articles from


Sarah Hutts is the editor of two websites, and There are more similar health, beauty and fitness articles at these websites. You may distribute this article as long as you mention her websites.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Losing Weight Like Celebrities Do

This article is going to explain how celebrity stars always seem to look in great shape, and reveal some of their secrets to losing weight.

I am going to show you how the celebrities lose weight easily and give you some tips and tricks that many of them use to keep in shape and looking great.

Haven't you noticed that whenever you watch TV or go to the cinema how great the stars of the show or film look? Well, in case you didn't know already, they have to do a lot of work to stay that way, and of course if they slow down, the public will notice immediately and their reputation could be destroyed overnight.

Most celebrities have their own way of staying in shape and looking great. Eating well balanced diets is a part of life for many stars and of course having a fitness expert on hand will help.

Here are some tricks many celebrities use to stay in shape.

Some use the 40:30:30 diet. The 40 being fruits, vegetables and beans. 30 being fish, chicken and low fat dairy products. The last 30 being fish oils, olive oils, nuts etc.Combining these foods into your diet will help you to lose weight and keep in shape.

Another diet used by some women in Hollywood, is to eat high protein meals in lesser portions. This must be used in conjunction with an exercise program that consists of weight training and heart exercises. Using such a diet can put a lot of stress on your body so please be aware.

Many women stars tell you that not eating late at night, or early in the evening will help to keep your weight under control. This actually contradicts what many nutritionists believe but nevertheless it seems to work for them.

Yoga is something many top women stars do each day. Combine this with a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables will help you control your weight.

Stay away from McDonalds and other fast food outlets and stick with eating good lean meat and protein.

Drinking herbal teas is very popular with women stars. The best drink to help you stay in shape is of course Green Tea.

Basically these stars do not over-indulge in junk foods and never over eat. You too can get results like they do if you take care of your body and actually take action.

When you see something that many stars personally take each day as a part of their diet, then it really is time to sit up and take notice. One such product is now becoming very popular with many stars like Amanda Walsh, Beau Bridges, Cheryl Hines, Paula Abdul, Kate Burton, Kevin Dillon and many more is Cheia Vida.

This exotic Rain Forest formulation consisting of "Superfoods" is now becoming a part of thousands of people's lives across the USA. With Acai, Green Tea, Cha De Bugre and Yerba Mae all ingredients within this product, it truly is a powerful health beverage.

There are of course many different products available to help you in your search for a better shape. Do some research and find products that not only help you lose weight, but also assist with improving your health.

So, if you want to diet like the stars, take heed from the advice above and most importantlyFree Web Content, take action.

Source: Free Articles from


Alive Worldwide specialize in weight loss products and helps thousands of people with their weight loss problems. Visit their site below for more information on their 10 Day Challenge that comes with a full 30 day guarantee.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Losing Cellulite - Helpful Tips In Losing Cellulite

Those unsightly little dimples that appear on the back of your thighs and on your butt as you grow older or gain weight are commonly known as cellulite.

Women are most likely to get cellulite in their 30's. The exact cause of cellulite is not known and there is no magic cure for it, which makes losing cellulite a full time battle for many. But there are steps you can take to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

  • The first step to take is to lose excess weight. Cellulite is made up of fat cells, so the more fat cells you have the more cellulite you can develop. On the average, women lose 5 pounds of muscle and develop 15 pounds of fat each decade. In addition, the skin gets thinner with age so fat cells will be more prominent. Eat a healthy well balanced diet and try to get to your ideal body weight. Drink plenty of water each day to flush your body of toxins and to hydrate your skin.
  • The next best step to take to lose cellulite is to exercise. You need to replace the fat cells with muscle and the best way to do this is through daily exercise. A combination of cardio, strength training and flexibility should do the trick.The cardio portion of the exercise program should consist of 2 minutes of moderate walking, cycling or stair climbing. You should increase the intensity for 8 minutes and get to the point of breathing hard but still able to talk in short sentences. After cardio, it's important to cool down for about 2 minutes. It is okay to use indoor exercise equipment.Follow the cardio with 15 minutes of strength training exercises, targeting the problem areas. For example, if your problem area is your thighs you should do exercises specifically designed for increasing muscle in your thighs such as leg lifts. Adding ankle weight as you progress will help also. For cellulite on the buttocks, do lunges or squats with ankle weights and holding light weights at your side.The most important part of the exercises is to stretch after each part of the strength training exercise. This will help to increase the length and flexibility of the muscle and also decrease your risk for injury. It will also help to increase your strength so you can increase your workouts over time and build more muscle. Some women prefer the Pilates workout that combines strength and flexibility exercises.

Creams that claim they can reduce cellulite have not been proven to be effective. The use of spray on tans may reduce the appearance of cellulite. If you have money to burn, you can always try the more expensive alternative such as laser treatments or liposuction. But be aware these are not the cure all and the cellulite can come back.Losing cellulite isn't easy, but with the right diet and exercise, those cottage cheese thighs can be just a memory. There are some very good resources that go into far greater detail on getting rid of cellulite that you can find on the Internet.

Source: Free Articles from

Read out for
Massage schools. Check out exercise workouts and fat burning exercises.