Monday, April 14, 2008

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry- Whitening and Braces

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses several different procedures which we will investigate. You may even have some of these procedures in your mouth right now. . .in fact the odds are that you have had some type of cosmetic dental procedure in your lifetime.

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry- Whitening and Braces

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses several different procedures which we will investigate. You may even have some of these procedures in your mouth right now. . .in fact the odds are that you have had some type of cosmetic dental procedure in your lifetime. It's important to meet with your dentist for an initial examination to determine if you are a candidate for cosmetic dental work. Your teeth must be in good condition before any cosmetic work is undertaken. If any type of dental disease is present, your dentist will explain what needs to be accomplished before proceeding with cosmetic work.

Once that is determined the dentist will explain the various cosmetic options available that are suitable for your needs, whether it be braces, bridges, bonding, veneers, bleaching and so on.

Whitening is one of the primary reasons that people consider cosmetic procedures. But, it's important to realize that often whiteners alone may not help. In fact, studies by the American Dental Association have shown that teeth with a yellowish tone will whiten well with a bleaching process whereas teeth that are brownish may not bleach well and grayish teeth may not bleach well at all. If you have had other cosmetic processes done and then decide to try whitening, you could end up with a very undesirable effect of not having all your teeth uniform in color. It's important to follow the advice of your dentist and not be swayed by advertising or how your best friends' work turned out!


While you may have worn braces as a child, braces are now a treatment option for adults as well although realignment may take longer for an adult. In some cases an adult will require more than just an orthodontic procedure.

Braces are the recommended treatment to correct an orthodontic problem called malocclusion or "bad bite." A few of the causes of the bad bite are extra, missing or crowded teeth. This condition is usually inherited although some may be caused by accident or other means. Having a tooth knocked out and chronic thumb or finger sucking may contribute to a bad bite.

Before treatment can begin, a thorough history is necessary for the dentist to render a proper prognosis. The dentist may take numerous xrays, plaster molds and photos of your face and teeth before determining whether orthodontics is an appropriate method to apply to your individual situation.

If the dentist determines that your treatment requires mechanical appliances, the information gathered in his preliminary examination will help to create your custom appliance(s). There are many different types of appliances and the best recourse is the one created specifically for you.

Once created and put in place, the appliances will require periodic adjustments. The dentist needs to monitor the progress frequently in order to assure that the teeth are shifting in position accurately.

Finally, once the appliances have done their work, they will be replaced by a "retainer." The retainer will stay in place so that the newly aligned teeth will remain in their proper location.

One of the first questions from patients is usually, "how long will I have to wear this?" This not a "one size fits all" situation as the time varies from patient to patient. It will take as long as it takes and greatly depends on patient cooperation. Average time for orthodontic treatment is around 24 months with adult treatments requiring just a bit longer. Other factors apply, of course, such as how severe the bad biteBusiness Management Articles, overall gum and tooth health not to mention how well the patient cooperates with the procedure. Most people who have worn braces report years later that it was well worth it!

Source: Free Articles from


Sarah Hutts is the editor of two websites, and There are more similar health, beauty and fitness articles at these websites. You may distribute this article as long as you mention her websites.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Losing Weight Like Celebrities Do

This article is going to explain how celebrity stars always seem to look in great shape, and reveal some of their secrets to losing weight.

I am going to show you how the celebrities lose weight easily and give you some tips and tricks that many of them use to keep in shape and looking great.

Haven't you noticed that whenever you watch TV or go to the cinema how great the stars of the show or film look? Well, in case you didn't know already, they have to do a lot of work to stay that way, and of course if they slow down, the public will notice immediately and their reputation could be destroyed overnight.

Most celebrities have their own way of staying in shape and looking great. Eating well balanced diets is a part of life for many stars and of course having a fitness expert on hand will help.

Here are some tricks many celebrities use to stay in shape.

Some use the 40:30:30 diet. The 40 being fruits, vegetables and beans. 30 being fish, chicken and low fat dairy products. The last 30 being fish oils, olive oils, nuts etc.Combining these foods into your diet will help you to lose weight and keep in shape.

Another diet used by some women in Hollywood, is to eat high protein meals in lesser portions. This must be used in conjunction with an exercise program that consists of weight training and heart exercises. Using such a diet can put a lot of stress on your body so please be aware.

Many women stars tell you that not eating late at night, or early in the evening will help to keep your weight under control. This actually contradicts what many nutritionists believe but nevertheless it seems to work for them.

Yoga is something many top women stars do each day. Combine this with a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables will help you control your weight.

Stay away from McDonalds and other fast food outlets and stick with eating good lean meat and protein.

Drinking herbal teas is very popular with women stars. The best drink to help you stay in shape is of course Green Tea.

Basically these stars do not over-indulge in junk foods and never over eat. You too can get results like they do if you take care of your body and actually take action.

When you see something that many stars personally take each day as a part of their diet, then it really is time to sit up and take notice. One such product is now becoming very popular with many stars like Amanda Walsh, Beau Bridges, Cheryl Hines, Paula Abdul, Kate Burton, Kevin Dillon and many more is Cheia Vida.

This exotic Rain Forest formulation consisting of "Superfoods" is now becoming a part of thousands of people's lives across the USA. With Acai, Green Tea, Cha De Bugre and Yerba Mae all ingredients within this product, it truly is a powerful health beverage.

There are of course many different products available to help you in your search for a better shape. Do some research and find products that not only help you lose weight, but also assist with improving your health.

So, if you want to diet like the stars, take heed from the advice above and most importantlyFree Web Content, take action.

Source: Free Articles from


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